Verwenden von LifeColour

  1. Zu lackierende Oberflächen reinigen
  2. Verdünnen Sie die Farbe beim Airbrush mit Wasser oder LifeColor Thinner oder Wasser auf eine milchige Konsistenz.
  3. Airbrush bei sehr niedrigem Druck. (vorzugsweise unter 1 Bar)
  4. Tragen Sie Farbe in dünnen Schichten mit einem Pinsel oder einer Airbrush auf
  5. Zwischen den Schichten vollständig trocknen lassen
  6. Reinigen Sie Ihre Airbrush mit Wasser oder Airbrush-Reiniger und spülen Sie sie mit Wasser durch
  7. Verwenden Sie KEINE chemische Lösung in Kombination mit Lifecolor. Reinigen Sie die Airbrush mit Wasser und  Lifecolor-Reiniger Spülen mit Wasser


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    UA051 LifeColor Black Green rlm 70 (22ml) FS 34052 Var. USMC green
    UA051 LifeColor Black Green rlm 70 (22ml) FS 34052 Var. USMC green

    Alternative colour names: schwarzgrun, verde, vert noir

    Luftwaffe World War II

    ∙ FS 34052 Var.
    ∙ rlm 70
    ∙ Gunze H65

    Water soluble acrylic colours for modelling and hobby. Life Color is excellent for paint brushing or…

    € 3,00 € 1,50
  • -50%

    UA052  LifeColor Dark Green rlm 71 (22ml) FS 34079 Var.
    UA052 LifeColor Dark Green rlm 71 (22ml) FS 34079 Var.

    Alternative colour names: transparent, trasparente, vernis mat, farblos, barniz opaca

    Luftwaffe World War II

    ∙ FS 34079 Var.
    ∙ RLM 71
    ∙ Humbrol 116
    ∙ Gunze H64

    Water soluble acrylic colours for modelling and hobby. Life…

    € 3,00 € 1,50
  • -50%

    UA053 LifeColor Brown Violet rlm 81 (22ml) FS 34083 Var. FS 30045 Var.
    UA053 LifeColor Brown Violet rlm 81 (22ml) FS 34083 Var. FS 30045 Var.

    Alternative colour names: braunviolett, bruno, marron

    Luftwaffe World War II

    ∙ FS 34083 Var.
    ∙ FS 30045 Var.
    ∙ rlm 81
    ∙ Humbrol 98

    Water soluble acrylic colours for modelling and hobby. Life Color is excellent for paint…

    € 3,00 € 1,50
  • -50%

    UA054 green rlm 82 FS 34096 Var
    UA054 green rlm 82 FS 34096 Var

    Great Britain World War II and Today
    Luftwaffe World War II
    Luftwaffe Today

    ∙ FS 34096 Var
    ∙ BS381C 223
    ∙ RAL 7009
    ∙ rlm 82

    Water soluble acrylic colours for modelling and hobby. Life Color is excellent for paint…

    € 3,00 € 1,50
  • -50%

    UA055 LifeColor Bright Green rlm 25 (22ml) FS 24115
    UA055 LifeColor Bright Green rlm 25 (22ml) FS 24115

    Alternative colour names: hellgrun, verde, vert clair, verde claro

    Luftwaffe World War II

    ∙ FS 24115
    ∙ rlm 25
    ∙ Humbrol 76

    Water soluble acrylic colours for modelling and hobby. Life Color is excellent for paint brushing…

    € 3,00 € 1,50
  • -50%

    UA059 LifeColor Green rlm 62 (22ml) FS 34159
    UA059 LifeColor Green rlm 62 (22ml) FS 34159

    Alternative colour names: blue green vietnam, grun, verde, vert

    Luftwaffe World War II
    USAF Aircraft World War II and Today

    ∙ FS 34159
    ∙ BS381C 639
    ∙ RAL 7033
    ∙ rlm 62
    ∙ Humbrol 31
    ∙ Tamiya XF65

    Water soluble…

    € 3,00 € 1,50
  • -50%

    UA060 LifeColor Green rlm 99 (22ml) FS 34227
    UA060 LifeColor Green rlm 99 (22ml) FS 34227

    Alternative colour names: grey green, grun, verde mimetico 53192, vert

    ​Israeli airforce
    Luftwaffe World War II
    Italian Aircraft World War II and Today
    Aircraft Interior parts

    ∙ FS 34227
    ∙ rlm 99
    ∙ Humbrol 120
    ∙ Gunze…

    € 3,00 € 1,50
  • -50%

    UA061 LifeColor Bright Blue rlm 65 (22ml) FS 35526
    UA061 LifeColor Bright Blue rlm 65 (22ml) FS 35526

    Alternative colour names: light blue, hellblau, azzurro, gris bleu, gris azul

    Luftwaffe World War II
    Russian Aircraft World War II and Today
    USAF Aircraft World War II and Today∙ FS 35526
    ∙ rlm 65
    ∙ Tamiya XF23
    ∙ Gunze…

    € 3,00 € 1,50
  • -50%

    UA062 LifeColor Bright Blue rlm 78 (22ml) FS 35414 Var.
    UA062 LifeColor Bright Blue rlm 78 (22ml) FS 35414 Var.

    Alternative colour names: hellblau, azzurro, gris bleu

    Luftwaffe World War II

    ∙ FS 35414 Var.
    ∙ rlm 78

    Water soluble acrylic colours for modelling and hobby. Life Color is excellent for paint brushing or airbrushing on…

    € 3,00 € 1,50
  • -50%

    UA071  LifeColor Grey rlm 02 (22ml) FS 36165 Var. FS 34226 Var.
    UA071 LifeColor Grey rlm 02 (22ml) FS 36165 Var. FS 34226 Var.

    Alternative colour names: grau, grigioverde mimetico, grigio, gris

    Luftwaffe World War II
    Tanks World War II and Today∙ FS 36165 Var.
    ∙ rlm 02
    ∙ Tamiya XF-22
    ∙ Gunze H70

    Water soluble acrylic colours for modelling and…

    € 3,00 € 1,50
  • -50%

    UA072 LifeColor Grey rlm 74 (22ml) FS 36081 Var.
    UA072 LifeColor Grey rlm 74 (22ml) FS 36081 Var.

    Alternative colour names: dunkelgrau, graugrun, grigio, gris noir, gris oscuro

    Luftwaffe World War II

    ∙ FS 36081 Var.
    ∙ RAL 7043
    ∙ rlm 74
    ∙ Gunze H68

    Water soluble acrylic colours for modelling and hobby. Life Color is…

    € 3,00 € 1,50
  • -50%

    UA073 LifeColor Grey rlm 75 (22ml) FS 36132
    UA073 LifeColor Grey rlm 75 (22ml) FS 36132

    Alternative colour names: german tank grey '40, grauviolett, grigio, gris moyen, gris

    Luftwaffe World War II
    Tanks World War II and Today

    ∙ FS 36132
    ∙ BS381C 632
    ∙ rlm 75
    ∙ Humbrol 106
    ∙ Tamiya XF24
    ∙ Gunze…

    € 3,00 € 1,50
  • -50%

    UA074 LifeColor Light Blue rlm 76 (22ml) FS 36473 Var.
    UA074 LifeColor Light Blue rlm 76 (22ml) FS 36473 Var.

    Alternative colour names: italian light grey, hellgrau, grigio, gris, gris claro

    Luftwaffe World War II
    Ships World War II

    ∙ FS 36473 Var.
    ∙ BS381C 676
    ∙ rlm 76
    ∙ Humbrol 126
    ∙ Tamiya XF53
    ∙ Gunze H306

    Water soluble…

    € 3,00 € 1,50
  • -50%

    UA077 LifeColor Fieldgrey (22ml) FS 34159 Var.
    UA077 LifeColor Fieldgrey (22ml) FS 34159 Var.

    Alternative colour names: german field grey, feldgrau, grigio, gris champs, gris

    Tanks World War II and Today

    ∙ FS 34159 Var.
    ∙ RAL 7010
    ∙ Humbrol 92
    ∙ Gunze H48

    Water soluble acrylic colours for modelling and hobby.…

    € 3,00 € 1,50
  • -50%

    UA078 LifeColor Dark Green (22ml) FS 34077
    UA078 LifeColor Dark Green (22ml) FS 34077

    Alternative colour names: verde scuro, vert fonce, dunkelgrun, verde oscuro

    Tanks World War II and Today

    ∙ FS 34077
    ∙ Humbrol 172

    Water soluble acrylic colours for modelling and hobby. Life Color is excellent for paint…

    € 3,00 € 1,50


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