SKU: AK130003This is the second volume of the two that feature the most iconic vehicles of the British Army in WWII.
The scenes and vehicles included in this collection are shown in a compilation of step by step articles with great photographs.
Perfectly combined techniques are explained to obtain maximum realism in the models.
A must-have book for all fans of British WWII vehicles!
INTRODUCTION Introducción by por Chris Meddings
CAPTURED BRITISH Británicos capturados by por Rubén González Hernández
ROAD TO MANDALAY Camino a Mandalay by por Lester Plaskitt
POPSKI’S JEEP El Jeep de Popski by por Kristof Pulinckx
PERFECT RECON Reconocimiento perfecto by por Rudi Meir
BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE El lado bueno de la vida by por Roy Schurgers
CROSSING THE RHINE Cruzando el Rin by por Rick Lawler
DESERT PATROL Patrulla del desierto by por Michal Tafil
ROAD TO HELL Carretera al infierno by por Jia Sheng Wu
THE LONGEST DAY El día más largo by por Chao Xu
DRAGOON GUARDS Los guardias del Dragón by por Jorge López Ferrer
TRACKED ARCHER Archer by por Kreangkrai Paojinda
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